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My Books

Our latest works have been independentedly published and can be found on Amazon

Pensieri notturni (Italian Edition)

  • Author, Designer, and Illustrator: Maria Ferrante

Zion, non-binary, e Fay, cis-gender lesbica, dopo molti anni, a casa di amici comuni: solo delle chiacchiere innocenti e poi... tutta colpa di un bacio...

Romanticismo, eros D/s consensuale e la continua spasmodica ricerca di risposte: un delicato equilibrio sul filo del rasoio? Si può incontrare la persona perfetta, al momento esatto, proprio in un luogo per caso? Esistono davvero le coincidenze o pensi di stare leggendo questa frase per puro caso?

Paperback and Kindle Formats


Nocturnal Thoughts (English Edition)

  • Author, Translator, Designer, and Illustrator: Maria Ferrante
  • Copyeditor, and Proofreader: Xenia Tsarkova
  • Proofreader: Daeron Sjach

Zion (a non-binary person, female assigned at birth) and Fay (a cis-gender lesbian) meet at a friend's house, after several years of being acquaintances: they just start teasing each other, while chatting and then... an unexpected kiss changes everything...


Romance, eros, consensual D/s and agony in a quest for answers: will they experience a precarious balance treading on thin ice? Can you really meet your perfect match, at the right time, unexpectedly in a random place? Do you believe in coincidences or are you reading this sentence by chance?

Paperback and Kindle Formats


L'equilibrio supremo: Freerian Chronicles
(Italian Edition)

  • Author, Designer, and Illustrator: Maria Ferrante

Paperback and Kindle Formats

Nell'antico eterogeneo matriarcato di Firewood, la giovane regina e Alta Sacerdotessa Myriam guida il popolo di base amazonica affiancato da un equilibrato Consiglio degli Anziani e chiunque chieda consiglio e protezione con saggezza e ponderatezza. A colei che regge tutto il reame su di sé e che ispira leggende nelle corti dei reami confinanti, tuttavia, non è concesso di offuscare la propria mente con materie terrene e/o riguardanti la sfera personale: qualora si fosse innamorata, ciò avrebbe influenzato l'Equilibrio supremo delle lande sotto la sua egida.
Sebbene matura per la sua età, si trova ad affrontare l'ombra di un conflitto con un reame vicino che si finge pretendente alla sua mano e ciò si verifica nel momento in cui la Matriarca Myriam, in procinto di voler dare una successione alla propria dinastia, incontra una schiava di nome Wanya, dalla personalità suadente e misteriosa. Potrebbe ella rivelarsi la risposta alle domande della regina? Dubbi e insicurezze si acuiscono soprattutto durante i colloqui privati con il Consigliere della Corona, una delle cariche più alte che un uomo possa raggiungere.

Un romanzo dal sapore epico-medievale-celtico, fantasy, in cui magia, politica, romanticismo, senso di responsabilità e molto di più si intrecciano in una trama intrigante che sviluppa tra concetti antichi e contemporanei.


Supreme Equilibrium: Freerian Chronicles

 (English Edition)

  • Author, Translator, Designer, and Illustrator: Maria Ferrante
  • Copyeditor, and Proofreader: Xenia Tsarkova
  • Proofreader: Daeron Sjach

Paperback and Kindle Formats

Yonder, in the ancient Queendom of Firewood, young Queen and High Priestess Myriam rules and guides her people based on a heterogeneous Amazonian society. People are represented by the Council of Elders and whomever seeks advice, protection, wisdom may go to the Queen and find a sanctuary. She is the one and only ruler and inspires legends which are told in foreign kingdoms: what is required of her is focus on everything but selfish matters. Queens of Firewood were not allowed to know what true love meant, because Supreme Equilibrium depended on her purity of mind and soul. Since she was enthroned, in young age, Queen Myriam had to face conflicts with neighbouring kingdoms, pursuing her and her power.

When the Matriarch decided it was time to give birth to an heir to the throne, she met Wanya, a fascinating and mysterious slave girl. Could such person be the answer to the Queen's prayers and questions? Doubts and insecurities grow up in time, especially when discussing about them with the Crown Counsellor, Sir Ganim, one of the most powerful men in that matriarchal society.


An epic medieval celtic-like fantasy novel: magic, politics, romance, responsibilities, and so forth draw the patterns of the story towards an intriguing plot twist... old-fashionate or contemporary story? Read it and find out.


Yae: The Big Snap

  • Author, Designer, and Cover Illustrator: Maria Ferrante
  • Foreword, Copyeditor, and Proofreader: Xenia Tsarkova
  • Illustrator: Eleonora Calì

Hardcover, Paperback, and Kindle Formats

"... there could be more to their existence than “nine to five” routine, a constant state of anxiety, and feeling trapped within the system that crushes sensitive souls and only benefits the 1% at the top of the “food chain”.  [from Xenia Tsarkova's Foreword]

Yae (born as Morgan) is a 38-year-old gender non-conforming person who was admitted into an asylum after a delusional episode had occurred in a public place. Under the supervision of a psychiatrist known by the name of “Dr. L.” they were diagnosed with borderline delusional schizophrenia.
During one-on-one and group sessions, Yae came out as a clairvoyant clairsentient psychic, since everybody witnessed an episode during which spirit channelling inevitably happened. Other members of group therapy (Cassidy, Roxanne, Marcus, Sade) were enthralled and astounded by the occurrence, whereas Norman – Yae's assigned partner – called them out as a pretender. Dr. L. supported Norman's accusation, overtly provoking Yae by addressing them by their assigned name and acknowledging only their gender assigned at birth.
At some point, Yae was required to start a journal to be shared with Dr. L., in which they had to write according to the doctor's expectations, since it was proposed as the only way to get dismissed. Yae abode by such unspoken agreement in order to return to a secluded life serving transient spirits and entities. Hence, Yae would partially play the doctor's game by starting a counteroffensive with their partners in crime. Nevertheless, an unexpected twist in their plot led all of them in a different direction.

A visionary dystopic novella in between spirituality and science fiction: will it be a new interpretation of the same old utopian novels, or will we take your hand and fall together deeper down a fictional rabbit hole? Above all, can spiritual awakening be mistaken for schizophrenia?


Unravelling Time: Freerian Chronicles

  • Author, Designer, and Cover Illustrator: Maria Ferrante
  • Foreword, Copyeditor, and Proofreader: Xenia Tsarkova
  • Illustrator: Eleonora Calì

Yonder, in the ancient Queendom of Firewood, young Queen and High Priestess Myriam rules and guides her people based on a heterogeneous Amazonian society. People are represented by the Council of Elders, and whoever seeks advice, protection, wisdom may go to the Queen and find a sanctuary. She is the one and only ruler and she inspires legends which are told in foreign kingdoms: what is required of her is to focus on everything but selfish matters. Queens of Firewood were not allowed to know what true love meant, because Supreme Equilibrium depended on the purity of mind and soul. Since she was enthroned, at a young age, Queen Myriam had to face conflicts with neighbouring kingdoms, pursuing her and her power.

After birth to Kian Blythe, reincarnation of the departed Wanya and generated by the union between Queen Myriam and Sir Ganim (Crown Consellour), the Power of Darkness began to plot against the Matriarch as a puppetmaster. The Empire of Males and the Darkest Kingdom will be shown as a façade for old Freerian enemies. Queen Myriam to ask Queen Mother Wenderia for help to protect the Heir and destiny sends on her path a woman from a far Land where the Sun rises.


Aine: Love Melody

  • Author, Designer, and Cover Illustrator: Maria Ferrante
  • Foreword, Copyeditor, and Proofreader: Xenia Tsarkova
  • Illustrator: Eleonora Calì
  • Japanese Translations Quality Check: Countess Burcu

Aine, seemingly an ordinary person, lives a dull life as a regular artist who feels that every passion, every sentiment has been drained due to past experiences. Work is partially satisfying, but non quenching that thirst for questioning what life is really about.
Zira, a guardian and a silent observer, a bystander who collects data for an ongoing experiment, watches from a remote location an unknown creature blessed with special abilities and gifts. Any contact with the subject under observation is forbidden, but avoiding that creature’s natural magnetism is nearly impossible.
One day, both the observer and the ordinary person run into each other serendipitously (or not?). A few hours later, Zira gives in to the forbidden magnetism only to find out a nearly lifeless body of that person, that being. An inner conflict sparks in Zira’s mind and heart: should the subject under observation be saved or left to die?

Aine: Love Melody is the final chapter of Silence in Your Soul series, which lies in between spirituality, romance, erotica, and psychological fiction. Intricately linked with Yae: The Big Snap and Nocturnal Thoughts, will the journey of a fragmented soul be completed? Will any reincarnation appear, again? Is life ruled by serendipity or free will? Are we living the delusion of a person’s mind or do new dimensions and densities really exist? Will a forbidden love answer all of those endless questions or…?

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